Are you interested in spending a few weeks in Ghana, Africa this summer at the Methodist Rafiki Village? MSU Wesley Foundation has been sending students since 2008 to work with this orphanage. Because of students who have gone in the past continue to support the ongoing work at Rafiki, the village has been able to rescue 35 children from life threatening situations.
Wesley believes the words of James to be true when he says, "Pure and genuine religion is this: to look after orphans and widows in distress and to not let oneself to become polluted by this world (James 1:27)." Wesley is committed to working with the RafikiFriends Sponsorship Program (which was founded by some Wesley Alumns) to help meet the needs of the Methodist Rafiki Village.
The dates of this trip is still to be determined, but if you have any interest in possibly going to Ghana, please feel out an application and return it to Katie Heckel by December 2nd.
An application can be found here:

Check out this slideshow of students pictures from Ghana.